Mistress Cyan's Christmas Slave Auction for Charity

Mistress Cyan Holds “Slave Auction” Toy and Food Drive, Friday, December 8th
Los Angeles, CA - Friday, December 8th, Mistress Cyan will be warming the holidays and a lot of butts with her annual “Slave Auction” toy drive for charity.
The party is a kinky take on the classic bachelor auction. Volunteers put themselves up for auction for the night. Those bringing in a new toy for children, canned food, or dry goods get play money to bid on the “slaves” for the evening. Winning bidders get to play with their new toys for the night. Everything is negotiated, consensual and for fun.
Last month’s food drive and auction for Thanksgiving brought in over $5,000 worth of donated food. Hand trucks and dollies were required to bring in the bulk goods which were stacked onstage. Blankets, gift cards and cash donations are also accepted. Food, blankets, and monetary donations go The Metropolitan Community Church in North Hollywood, which then distributes the goods to shelters and the homeless for the holidays. Toy donations go to the Toys for Tots program, which distributes them to needy children.
“We would like to invite those at Xbiz and AVN to join us this year and contribute to the needy in Los Angeles, said Mistress Cyan. “They’re of course welcome to join in the auction as well. It’s all for a good cause and good kinky fun!”
Doors open at 8:00 P.M. at Sanctuary LAX, 10914 S. La Cienega Blvd., across from the Los Angeles Airport. Admission for the party is $20. Dress code for the night is fetish, leather, or classy casual. No cut offs or baseball caps please.
For more details, go to
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