White skin, plump breasts, beautiful face

Increases your lifespan
We already know that a solid exercise program coupled with a clean diet has the perks of expanding your lifespan as well as keeping you looking and feeling great. But did you know more sexual activity (including solo sessions) can tack time on to your lifespan as well? According to a 20-year long study published in the British Medical Journal, men with the highest number of orgasms had a better quality of life and lived longer than who were pleasured less. It makes sense when you consider all of the other benefits you just learned about. When you lower your risk of certain cancers and heart disease, plus decrease disease-fostering stress, that's a recipe for better health and a longer, happier life!
Makes you look younger
can make you look and feel younger by altering your brain cells in positive ways, says Cadell. "The key is ‘mindful masturbation.’ Being fully present in your body and truly savoring each sensation during masturbation as it creates new neural pathways in the brain that carry over into your daily life."
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