Here is a list of the top 'cutest' pornstars in the industry. You just can't resist their cute face, stunning body and naughty actions altogether !!!!
6. Dakota Skye
She looks like a combination of a Bratz doll and a sexy ass Cabbage Patch Kid. With her pixy haircut and her seemingly endless supply of camisoles and baby doll dresses, this girl knows where her bread is buttered! Now known as “Kota Sky”, this Tampa native grew up active, as a ballet dancer, cheerleader, and gymnast. What does this mean for us? This
cutie is flexible; and boy, does she use it to her full advantage. I’d like to personally thank Wal-Mart for discovering this muse; that’s where she began showing and teasing herself to us all on a webcam. You really can get anything at Wal-Mart.
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