There may very well be porn stars who went to the same college as you. But unless you go to go to a prestigious school, being in porn isn't that splashy. The Duke University Porn Star is in good company. Here are ten more highly educated porn stars who graduated magna cum... oh, never mind.
Tasha Reign

In contrast to Belle Knox's reports of unbearable harassment, shaming and threats at Duke, UCLA students seem to be taking the presence of porn star in their midst in stride. Go Bruins!
At least that's the picture The Daily Bruin paints in of Penthouse Pet and adult film actress Tasha Reign. Reign, who has spoken at her classes and is quite out about her extracurricular activities, told the Bruin that "she knew she wanted to be a nude model since as far back as elementary school, when she would run around naked and take photos, and that her mom was always aware and accepting of it, even if it wasn't her first choice for her daughter."
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